about us

Green Door Studio, located in the heart of downtown Millburn, NJ, brings the artist, the art collector and those curious about art together in one space.

The Gallery

The Gallery at Green Door is a destination for collectors, art enthusiasts, artists and anyone looking for inspiration. solo and group exhibits, as well as artist talks all help to create the vibes at the gallery.

Send all submissions & inquiries to info@agreendoorstudio.com

Please note, artist submissions may not be responded to.

The Studio

The Studio at Green Door provides a vibrant and inspiring environment for artists to create, dream and develop their craft. Memberships and artist collaborations are at the heart of Green Door Studio.

Send all studio inquiries to info@agreendoorstudio.com

The School

The School at Green Door centers on the process of art making and the therapeutic benefits of art.

Instruction is led by educators & professional artists, with programs for all ages and all abilities. Scouting groups, home school programs and other find enrichment available.

Send all school inquiries to info@agreendoorstudio.com

The Studio

Paint, clay, paper, glass, metal are all welcome!

Stop by to visit the studio and speak with artists about their process, their work and their inspiration.

The Studio works closely with many other local art organizations and thrives on constant collaboration. Reach out to bring your creativity to the studio.

The School

The School at Green Door is a little piece of magic. Budding and seasoned artists find their own way at Green Door. The is curriculum grounded in philosophy that deeply supports each individual and their one-of-a- kind view of the world. All of the programming keeps ability, developmental stage and personality in mind. The “work” of art is something to honor, share and encourage in all of us!

About Emily Konopinski

Emily is an active artist in the New York City area. Her artistic pursuits began with ink and paint but expanded into the film world. Her films traveled to acclaimed festivals and theaters around the world.

Over time, bringing art into the classroom became the perfect place for Emily to marry her passions for creativity and curiosity. As a teacher and curriculum writer at Cicely Tyson School for the Performing arts, Emily had the joy of teaching and learning from thousands of young people.

Emily has participated in group and solo shows across the region and her murals cover the halls of many public school buildings.

Public and private commissions are among her creative contributions.

After studying Political Science at Monmouth University, Emily joined the United State Air Force; she went on to earn her B.A. in Fine Arts from Montclair State, her M.A. in Psychological Studies/Art Therapy from Seton Hall, and held teaching certification for Elementary Education, Special Education and Fine Arts Education in the state of New Jersey.

Commissions & Public Art

Residential, commercial and public spaces make great opportunities for large scale murals and art projects. Consult with Green Door on how we can beautify your space, magnify your business or simply create an art experience for everyone to enjoy.

Life is short. art is long.

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